Friday, July 29, 2016

Amazing Rose Facts for Kids your baby wanted to know

For more information about species of rose you can check out here review journalLearn how many species of rose there are, how the rose has been used throughout history, where the scent of a rose comes from, and much more.

- There are over 100 species of the rose.

- We usually call the sharp spikes on the stem of a rose bush "thorns". But these are in fact technically prickles.

- The flowers of most species of rose have five petals except for the species 'Rosa sericea' which has only four.

- The name "Rose" is often used as a girl's name in English speaking countries.

- For hundreds of years the rose has been widely recognized as a symbol of love, sympathy or sorrow.

- The rose is most commonly used as an ornamental plant grown in the garden for its beautiful flowers.

- The rose can be used in perfumes. The nice scent of the rose comes from microscopic perfume glands on the petals. Sometimes rose petals are also dried and packed for commercial use as decoration or for scent.

- Because they're low-maintenance and nice to look at, rose shrubs (classified as a shrub even though some don't look like shrubs for example the climbing rose) are used as landscape plants for hedging (the thorns can discourage intruders) or planted on hillsides as a slope stabilizing method to stop soil erosion.
- The fruit of a rose is called a rose hip. The berry-like hip are usually red in color but some can be dark purple or black.

- Rose hips of some species are extremely rich in vitamin C, because of this the hip is sometimes made into jam, jelly, or brewed for tea. The hip also has minor medicinal uses, used in food supplements and can be pressed or filtered to make rose hip syrup. Hip seed oil is also used in skin products and makeup products.

- Historically the rose was of great importance to the Romans and Egyptians. Romans would use them as room decorations, or wear them on string around their neck and anything which was said "under the rose" was deemed to be a secret. The famous Cleopatra of Egypt was believed to have covered the floor of her palace room with roses before Mark Antony visited her.

- The rose can come in all colors although a "black rose" is not actually black it is usually a dark red. Each color has a different meaning or symbolises something different to us for example red means love, orange - desire, yellow - joy etc.

- Traditionally England is signified by the rose, it is the country’s national flower. The rose came to prominence there during the 'Wars of the Roses', 1455 to 1485 when the house of Lancaster was represented by the red rose and fought against the house of York which was represented by the white rose.

- In 1986 the rose also became the floral emblem of the United States. It is the official flower of four states including the state of New York, Iowa, North Dakota and Georgia.

9 Great daisy facts for kids

Though, Daisy is just a little flower, it's loved by so many people due to its beauty as well as the meaningful meaning behind this flower that's purity and innocence. Is daisy your favorite flower? If, it's, this article is, of course, for you!!!
  • Daisy belongs to one of the largest families of plants in the world, that of "vascular plants", i.e. those which circulate goodness around their systems, making up almost 10% of all flowering plants on Earth.
  • Daisy can be found everywhere on Earth except Antarctica.
  • The name "daisy" is thought to come from the Old English "daes eage", meaning "day's eye", for the way in which it opens at dawn.
  • The daisy family, known to scientists as Compositae, was classified in 1792 by Paul Dietrich Giseke, a German botanist and close friend of the Swedish "father of modern taxonomy" Carl Linnaeus.
  • A daisy is actually two flowers in one: the (usually) white petals and the cluster of (usually) tiny yellow disc petals that form the "eye".
  • Daisy leaves are edible and can make a tasty addition to salads (they're closely related to artichoke and are high in Vitamin C).
  • Medicinal properties ascribed to the daisy include that it slows bleeding, relieves indigestion and eases coughs. In homeopathy, the garden daisy is known as the gardener's friend for its ability to ease an aching back.
  • If not controlled, some daisies can become serious weeds because they thrive in generally inhospitable conditions are are resistant to most bugs and pesticides.
  • Bees love daisy relatives, including Goldenrod, making them an important friend of honey makers.
See also:

Friday, July 15, 2016

Cockroaches – The Dirty and Unwanted Insects

With the word "cockroach", do you shudder? If so, you're not alone. Gian ranked right up there with rats and mosquitoes are most unwanted animal fun facts on the planet. And with good reason. Cockroaches live in filthy places like sewer and trash. They received a lot of germs and can spread the disease to people.

Cockroaches in a place Dirty Picture - Science for children All About Cockroach
All About cockroaches: Cockroaches live in filthy places like sewer and trash.
One reason people do not like cockroaches because they eat almost anything. They'll crawl in your cabinets and your food or even crawl on your toothbrush to eat any remaining toothpaste. They eat wallpaper paste and book! It's disgusting!
Cockroach Eating Bread picture
One reason people do not like cockroaches because they eat almost anything, even the food on your plate.
Events Not So funny random facts for children Cockroaches

Most of the cockroaches do not like light. They come out at night to eat food in your kitchen. If you turned on the lights, they quickly dispersed.
The American cockroach can increase up to 2 inches.
The Oriental cockroaches especially dirty. It smells bad.
Cockroaches are a major problem in cities and crowded apartment buildings. They like warmth and often live in warm areas, such as Texas, Florida and Arizona.
Cockroaches can live for a month without food.
A cockroach can live for up to a week, not the first.
Cockroaches can run up to three miles an hour.
A picture Oriental Cockroach
The Oriental cockroaches especially dirty. It smells bad.

Beetles – Colorful Insects With Hard Shells and Four Wings

More than 300,000 species of beetles living on the earth, and over 12,000 beetles Beetles living in the United States have a hard shell and four wings. Some beetles cause a lot of damage by eating the crops, wood and food. Others help us by pollinating food crops or pests.
Titan Beetle Photo - Children's Science All About Beetle
All About Beetles: The Titan beetle from South America can grow up to 8 inches.
Beetles come in many sizes and shapes. The Titan beetle from South America can grow up to 8 inches, while the Goliath beetles usually about five inches long. Small beetles, beetle featherwing, can not be seen without a microscope.
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Colorful Beetle Photo
Beetles come in so many colors. Beetles may have bright yellow, green, red, orange or purple. They can be striped or spotted, but that is not all about beetles.
Interesting fun fact of the day about beetles for children

Beetles come in so many colors. Beetles may have bright yellow, green, red, orange or purple. They can be striped or spotted.
Beetles are one of the most ancient amazing facts about animals species in the world. They have been here for over 300,000 years.
Beetles live everywhere - from the hot desert to the polar ice caps.
Most beetles have the defense to protect themselves against enemies. Ladybugs blood sprayed gold; some ground beetles acid spray that burns skin and eyes. A beetle in Africa is very toxic. African tribes use this toxin into their darts.
Beetles go through metamorphosis like all insects. They start as eggs and hatch into larvae. The larvae look like tiny worms ugly. Sometimes we are called to dig. Then the beetles enter the pupal stage and turn into adult beetles.
The life cycle of the image Beetle
Beetles go through metamorphosis like all insects. They start as eggs and hatch into larvae. The larvae look like tiny worms ugly.

Honey Bees – The Natural Honey Making Factories

More than 20,000 species of bees live on Earth, but only bees make honey. Besides making sweet, savory dishes, honeybees have developed a remarkable system of organization. In a beehive, there are three types of bees - the queen, workers and the planes. But that is not all about honey bees, each with a special job.

And the queen's only job is to lay eggs. In animal facts for kids , she spent most of her life inside the hive, lying around. The employees can have the best, but most difficult, task. They work together to build cells for the baby bees. They take care of the baby and keep hives clean and tidy.
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Worker bees also collect pollen and turn it into honey. Honey bees feeding the baby and also feeds the bees in the winter. Both workers and queens are women. Only the planes were male. The plane "one and only job is to mate with the queen, the bees that can only spawn. Once the work of the drone is made, the drone does not have what to do.
It sounds like an interesting job, consider this: after the drone was mating with the queen, the workers did not allow him to eat and he starved during the winter. The workers do not have the means, but they could not afford to feed members of the Beehive who do not contribute.
Read on for more about honeybees all.
Interesting fact of life about honey bees for children

Worker bees took a few turns into the queen egg. They feed the developing larvae royal jelly, which is a special type of honey is the nutrient. The jelly is what turns an ordinary bee larva into a queen.
Honeybees pollinate crops such as apples, pears, melons and pumpkins. Without bees, the crops will not grow.
Honeybees are gentle unless fear. Beekeepers use smoke to calm them.
Honey is a nutrient.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Fun Cheetah Facts for Kids

Interesting, amazing and fun Cheetah facts for kids: 

  • Scientific name is Acinonyx Jubatus- name comes from the word chita meaning spotted one.
  • Cheetahs are mammals.
  • Cheetahs are in the cat family.
  • Cheetahs are sometimes mistaken for leopards but a cheetah’s spots are more round and they have long black lines that run from their eyes to their mouth called tears.
  • A cheetah has between 2,000-3,000 spots!
  • Cheetah’s weigh between 69-140 pounds and can be 4 feet long.
  • Male and female cheetahs are called cheetahs.
  • Amazing dog facts you may or may not know
  • A baby cheetah is called a cub.
  • Cheetah’s are the fastest land mammal in the world!
  • Cheetah’s can run up to 60 miles per hours in 3 seconds but can go even faster.
  • They can run at speeds up to 75 miles per hour!
  • Most cheetahs live in eastern and southwestern Africa.  Very few are left living in Iran.
  • Cheetah’s are considered a threatened species.It is believed that only  7,000-12,500 are left in the wild.
  • Cheetah’s have become threatened due to loss of habitat and decreasing food source.
  • Cheetah’s do not roar like lions or tigers. They let out a chirping noise when they feel threatened and they purr if they feel happy.
  • Cheetahs are carnivores meaning they eat meat.
  • Cheetahs have excellent eyesight.  They can see up to 3 miles away!
  • Cheetahs hunt in the day time.
  • They use their excellent eyesight to look for prey than sprint to pounce on them.
  • They eat wildebeest, warthogs, birds, zebras, gazelles, deer, antelopes and impalas.
  • After cheetahs catch their prey (food) they will bring it to a shady hiding place so other animals don’t see it.
  • Cheetahs do not like to fight.  They will give up their prey (food) if a larger more aggressive animal approaches them to avoid a fight.
  • Female cheetah’s will live alone unless she is caring for her cubs.
  • A mother cheetah usually has 3-5 cubs but up to 9 cubs can be born.
  • A mother will stay with her cubs for 18 months then she will leave them. The cubs will stay together for another 6 months.  After 6 months the females will go off on their own and the males will stay together for live.
  • Cheetahs usually live 7-10 years in the wild and 16 in captivity.
  • Predators to cheetahs are lions and hyena.
  • Most cheetah cubs are killed by lions.
  • Cheetahs were kept as pets and trained to help people hunt in Ancient Egypt.
Relate: ·         emperor penguin facts for kids – penguin facts and infomation

Friday, July 8, 2016

Amphibians go through Metamorphosis Fun Amphibian Facts for Kids

  • Amphibians are animals that spend part of their life in the water and part of their life on land.
  • Amphibian comes from the Greek word amphibios meaning double live.
  • Frogs, toads, newts, salamanders and caecilians or blindworms are all examples of amphibians.
  • Amazing dog facts you may or may not know
  • Amphibians are vertebrates.
  • Vertebrates are animals that have either have a back bone or a spine. Humans are vertebrates.
  • Amphibians are ectothermic.
  • Ectothermic or “cold blooded” animals cannot control their own body temperature. They depend on their environment to control their body temperature. They will use the sun to be warm and shade to cool down.
  • Amphibians lay eggs in the water.
  • When the egg hatches they are born in larvae i.e. when a frog is born they are tadpoles.
  • A couple of weeks later they go through metamorphosis.
  • Metamorphosis is the process an animal or thing goes through where they change from one form into a completely different form.
  • When amphibians hatch from their egg, there are born with gills like fish. They use their gills to breathe underwater. They are also born with fins to help them swim.
  • Then amphibians get older they go through the process of metamorphosis.
  • They will start to develop lungs so they can breathe air. Most amphibians will also grow legs so they can walk.
  • · Interesting facts about animals didn’t know
  • Most amphibians have moist skin that also helps them breathe.
  • An amphibian’s skin can absorb air and water.
  • Amphibians are found on every continent except Antarctica.
  • Amphibians live in a variety of habitats usually near water. These include: forests, meadows, ponds, lakes, streams, rainforests and sometimes even in your own backyard.
  • Adult amphibians eat spiders, beetles and worms.
  • When amphibians are born, before they go through metamorphosis they eat mostly plants.
  • Amphibians have no hair or fur.
  • Scientists believe hundreds of millions of years ago amphibians became the first vertebrates to live on land!

Fun Facts

  • The smallest amphibian is a type of frog called the paedophryne amanuensis. They live in Papua New Guinea. The frog is only .3 inches long about the size of a housefly!
  • The biggest amphibian is the Chinese Giant Salamander. This salamander can grow to be 6ft long and weigh 140 pounds!
  • The largest fro is the goliath frog. They live in West Africa. This giant frog can weigh up to 8 pounds. It can jump up to 10ft!
  • Spade Toads smell like peanut butter.
  • A group of frogs is called an army.
  • Frogs shed their skin just about every week. They often eat their skin after shedding it.
  • The only fruit eating frog lives in Brazil. They are often seen leaping with their mouth open wide towards a fruit hanging from a tree.
  • Frogs not only breathe through their lungs but also their skin.
  • Some amphibians are completely silent and make no noise at all.
  • The scientific study of amphibians and reptiles is called Herpetology.
  • · emperor penguin facts for kids – penguin facts and infomation

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The most bizarre friendship animal world

Although not the same size, but other species of exotic species other friendships can still germinate best in the world of magic animals.

Nhung tinh ban khac loai ky la nhat the gioi dong vat