Thursday, November 10, 2016

Black Alder Tree Information

Right here in this article, you can learn about some interesting facts about Black Alder tree that can open your mind

Black Alder Tree Info 

There are many black alder facts that should be of interest to homeowners and landscapers. They grow to 50’ tall and have a pyramidal shape. They can take waterlogged soils and somewhat dry conditions. They have appealing glossy leaves. Their smooth grey bark is especially attractive in winter when it stands out against the snow. There are many uses for black alder trees. The trees have the ability to fix nitrogen from the air and increase soil fertility through their root nodules. Alder trees are valuable in landscape restoration projects where the soil is degraded. Black alders in the landscape are terrific habitat trees. They provide food for butterflies, mice, turtles, birds and deer. Enjoy the best collection of animals facts on our site to widen your knowledge.

Planting Black Alder in the Landscape 

Advertisement So where do black alder trees grow? They grow especially well in moist soils, by waterways and in boggy woodlands in the Midwest and on the East Coast. But be careful when you put black alder in the landscape. The trees spread readily and are considered invasive in some states. Be sure to check with your local nursery or university extension before you plant black alder in the landscape. They are so vigorous that their aggressive roots can lift sidewalks and invade sewer lines.

If you’re looking for the most interesting tigers facts, you’re at the right place. Let’s check out now.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Facts and information about Tigers

The tiger is the largest feline in the world, with the tiger growing to around 2.5 metres in length. The tiger is the most powerful of all the big cats, and is native to east and southern Asia. The tiger is feared by most human beings who inhabit settlements within the tiger's territory.
There are six different subspecies of tiger which are the Bengal tiger, tiger, the Indochinese tiger, tiger, the Malayan tiger, tiger, the Sumatran tiger, tiger, the Siberian tiger and the South China Tiger. The white tiger tiger is actually a Bengal tiger tiger and is therefore not a subspecies itself.
The average tiger weighs around 300kg and a tiger can stretch its body (and tail) to roughly 4 metres. Tigers hunt snakes, boar, buffalo, crocodiles, deer, leopards and camels and are extremely effective at catching their prey due to their silent, stalking approach and their powerful bodies.
The tiger can reach speeds of up to 90km an hour, making the tiger extremely fast. Tigers have even been known to conflict with rhinos and elephants with the tiger generally winning.
funny pictures about tigers

Tigers are generally orange with black stripes although it's common to get tigers with white and sandy coloured markings. The white tiger tiger is a rare type of tiger, with bright white fur and black stripes, these tigers occur from a genetic mutation when in the mother tiger's womb. It is not certain that these white tigers tigers will produce white offspring, many white tigers tigers have been known to produce orange cubs.
Today the tiger is a near endangered species with only a handful still roaming the Asian jungles. The tiger is still a completely dominant predator in it's environment particularly due to their extreme power, and ability to run, swim, jump and climb trees very effectively.
The tiger is a highly adaptable animal with the tiger's territory ranging from Siberia, to open grasslands and tropical mangrove swamps in central and south-east Asia. The tiger is also an extremely territorial animal and the tiger is generally a solitary animal.
Due to the tiger's size and the tiger's want to be solitary, the tiger often requires large areas of habitat that can support the tiger's prey demands. Because of the tiger's need for a large territory mixed with the fact that the tiger is native to some of the more densely populated places on earth, has meant that there have been significant conflicts between tigers and humans.
Tigers usually mate from November to April and after a gestation period of just over 3 months, the female tiger gives birth to 2 or 3 tiger cubs. When the tiger cubs are first born they are blind and extremely vulnerable. By the time the tiger cubs is around 18 months old, it is able to hunt for itself. Tiger cubs are known to grow rapidly and can put on 100 g of weight every day. The tiger cubs usually stay with their mother until they are between 2 and 3 years old and the tiger cubs are then big enough and strong enough to venture out into the jungle to live a life of solitude.