Friday, July 15, 2016

Cockroaches – The Dirty and Unwanted Insects

With the word "cockroach", do you shudder? If so, you're not alone. Gian ranked right up there with rats and mosquitoes are most unwanted animal fun facts on the planet. And with good reason. Cockroaches live in filthy places like sewer and trash. They received a lot of germs and can spread the disease to people.

Cockroaches in a place Dirty Picture - Science for children All About Cockroach
All About cockroaches: Cockroaches live in filthy places like sewer and trash.
One reason people do not like cockroaches because they eat almost anything. They'll crawl in your cabinets and your food or even crawl on your toothbrush to eat any remaining toothpaste. They eat wallpaper paste and book! It's disgusting!
Cockroach Eating Bread picture
One reason people do not like cockroaches because they eat almost anything, even the food on your plate.
Events Not So funny random facts for children Cockroaches

Most of the cockroaches do not like light. They come out at night to eat food in your kitchen. If you turned on the lights, they quickly dispersed.
The American cockroach can increase up to 2 inches.
The Oriental cockroaches especially dirty. It smells bad.
Cockroaches are a major problem in cities and crowded apartment buildings. They like warmth and often live in warm areas, such as Texas, Florida and Arizona.
Cockroaches can live for a month without food.
A cockroach can live for up to a week, not the first.
Cockroaches can run up to three miles an hour.
A picture Oriental Cockroach
The Oriental cockroaches especially dirty. It smells bad.


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